Nina Chuba - Levitating songtext (lyrics)

[Nina Chuba - Levitating songtext lyrics]

Lay me down and play it slow
When we fall, don't let me go
I can't take it, vertigo
In the darkness, something grows
Drop don't hurt me, this I know
Just the landing, brittle bones

Got a hundred million reasons
Yeah, I know that it's irrational
Floatin' down the river
Pretty soon, yeah, I'll be past the point
No way out, your gravity is unavoidable
Can you break my fall?

Crash into the skyline
Break through the night
Watchin' the ground rise up
Act like it's fine like we're levitating
Like we're levitating
Hands up on my neckline, tracing a lie
Falling through the cloudline, chasing a high
Like we're levitating
Like we're levitating

When I'm lonely, baby, I just call you up
Say I don't want nothing
But I need your touch
Maybe I should stop this
'cause it tears me up it tears me up

Got a hundred million reasons
Yeah, I know that it's irrational
Floatin' down the river
Pretty soon, yeah, I'll be past the point
No way out, your gravity is unavoidable
Can you break my fall?

Crash into the skyline
Break through the night
Watchin' the ground rise up
Act like it's fine like we're levitating
Like we're levitating
Hands up on my neckline, tracing a lie
Falling through the cloudline, chasing a high
Like we're levitating
Like we're levitating

Lay me down and play it slow
When we fall, don't let me go
I can't take it, vertigo

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