Nina Chuba - Lips Shut songtext (lyrics)

[Nina Chuba - Lips Shut songtext lyrics]

I killed kindness with my own violence
I'm thinking twice now
I'm on the brink of niceness
With myself in hindsight
 I should love the highlights
I should treat myself right

I should not be scared of night-time thoughts
That I'm not enough for my own life
I'm dancing on my own knife
Pirouetting like I'm paradise bound
On a cursed flight
With no seatbelt, on the edge of my seat
Just praying that the heat won't
Keep my knees weak like an unwanted keepsake

And I'm thinking I'll just
Leave this shit straight
Head home and just be fake
On my own where nobody can see the real me
The real me I hate, not hate
Just don't relate
To my own view of self, somebody send help

I hear a million carbon copies of myself
And every single one of them is shouting
"You should go to hell"
The more they talk the more I
Think I might as well
And maybe, maybe I should sew their lips shut
They want me praying at the altar of my doubt
They shout
"Judas in the flesh has come around"
So it's supper for suckers before I'm out
I should sew their lips shut

Maybe I should face it
I'm not feeling amazing
I'm blocking my own wave
Could you step out of the way?
Other me should sit down, girl just quit
I'm following my head
I'll leave my ego in the ditch

Yeah, Freud would be proud if
If he could hear me now
I told my therapist this
She said there's too many to talk
And too many mini me's tryna tell
Me who I should be and maybe, maybe
I should sew their lips shut

I hear a million carbon copies of myself
And every single one of them is shouting
"You should go to hell"
The more they talk the more I
Think I might as well
And maybe, maybe I should sew their lips shut

They want me praying at the altar of my doubt
They shout
"Judas in the flesh has come around"
So it's supper for suckers before I'm out
I should sew their lips shut

They want me praying at the
Altar of my doubt, doubt
Judas in the flesh has come around, 'round
I should sew their lips shut

I hear million carbon copies of myself
And every single one of them is shouting
"You should go to hell"
The more they talk the more I
Think I might as well and maybe, maybe
I should sew their lips shut

They want me praying at the altar of my doubt
They shout
"Judas in the flesh has come around"
So it's supper for suckers before I'm out
I should sew their lips shut

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