Nugat - Bounce songtext (lyrics)

[Nugat - Bounce songtext lyrics]

I spill my drink, for the homies
I spill my drink
(I spill my drink, I spill my drink)
I go on stage
(yeah) , rocking roll yeah I'm gonna
Rage (gonna rage) … yeah, yeah, yeeaah
And the people in front of the stage they
Be asking where this guy is from (where)
They be cravin' for more
They be cravin' for more
And the people in front of the stage they
Be asking where this guy is from (where)
They be cravin' for more
They be cravin' for more

And they bounce with me, and they bounce
With me, and they bounce with me
And they bounce
Yeah they bounce with me, and they bounce
With me, and they bounce with me
And they bounce
Yeah they bounce with me, and they bounce
With me, and they bounce with me
And they bounce
Yeah they bounce with me, and they bounce
With me, and they bounce with me
And they bounce
Yeah they bounce with me, and they bounce
With me, and they bounce with me
And they bounce
Yeah they bounce with me, and they bounce
With me, and they bounce with me
And they bounce
Yeah they bounce with me, and they bounce
With me, and they bounce with me
And they bounce
Yeah they bounce with me, and they bounce
With me, and they bounce with me
And they bounce

Breathing, shouting, screaming, people
Sipping, liquor, hold up, big blunt
Dj, smoking, never, choking, lyrics
Provoking, all night, all night
Buy it, grind it, roll it, light it
Buy it, grind it, roll it, light it
Buy it, grind it, roll it, light
It, buy it, grind it, aye
I spill my drink, for the homies
I spill my drink
I go on stage, rocking roll yeah
I'm gonna rage, rage, rage, rage

Yeah they bounce with me, and they bounce
With me, and they bounce with me
And they bounce
Yeah they bounce with me, and they bounce
With me, and they bounce with me
And they bounce
Yeah they bounce with me, and they bounce
With me, and they bounce with me
And they bounce
Yeah they bounce with me, and they bounce
With me, and they bounce with me
And they bounce
Yeah they bounce with me, and they bounce
With me, and they bounce with me
And they bounce
Yeah they bounce with me, and they bounce
With me, and they bounce with me
And they bounce
Yeah they bounce with me, and they bounce
With me, and they bounce with me
And they bounce
Yeah they bounce with me, and they bounce
With me, and they bounce with me
And they bounce

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