Nugat - DIRT songtext (lyrics)

[Nugat - DIRT songtext lyrics]

My stomach full of dirt
My last meal my medicine, yo
Tell me this ain't real i know it ain't
But it feels like that though
When I'm in my grave
Promise me that you still laugh about me
Otherwise I can't
Take one of you fools seriously
Why you move yourself sometimes?
You know why your grandpa died of cancer
Why you move yourself sometimes?
Do you really think that I know the answer?
Why you sick right now?
I'm sick and tired of
These three four questions
Shut up lil bastards
When you talk that's myself
Am I talkin to you or me?
Am I talkin to you or me?
How many times my parents had to put
Up with my inside thing now?
How many times we cried and they did
Not know how to handle things now?
You think that leaves me cold
I punish myself every minute
You just cannot see it

How many times my parents had to put
Up with my inside thing now?
How many times we cried and they did
Not know how to handle things now?
You think that leaves me cold
I punish myself every minute
You just cannot see it

Am I talkin to you or me?
Am I talkin to you or me?

You know all these motherfuckers

They think I'm tellin lies
Look me in the eyes
They don't know what it's like
To chase no time
Don't let me cry hit my chest
Middlefingers to the sky, feeling pissed
They don't know what it's like
To be chase no time

Big time please bought a bag full of trouble
For my brother finna die in the winter
Big time please bought a bag full of trouble
With my brother finna die in the winter
My stomach full of dirt
My stomach full of dirt

My-my-my-my stomach full of dirt
My last meal my medicine, yo
Tell me this ain't real i know it ain't
But it feels like that though
When I'm in my grave
Promise me that you still laugh about me
Otherwise I can't
Take one of you fools seriously

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