Nugat - Don’s City of Boredom songtext (lyrics)

[Nugat - Don’s City of Boredom songtext lyrics]

Yeah everyone knows what he does
When he does this thing all day, Don
But I know, that he tries to wash
His pain away, Don

Looking at you 'till you
Do something blinded

But Don is livin' in the city of pretending
Where everyone has to make himself a name
Unless you're nothing
Don is livin' in a city full of boredom
Where everyone's talking 'bout you
But it ain't really you

Everytime he hit that guy in the face
He swallows his pain and calls his friends
I did it again, now I can't stop cryin'
I'm lyin'
To my mother, my dad, my brother, my sister
It hurts so bad
I'm sick of pretending to be the one
That everyone is afraid of

But Don is livin' in the city of pretending
Where everyone has to make himself a name
Unless you're nothing
Don is livin' in a city full of boredom
Where everyone's talking 'bout you
But it ain't really you

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