Nugat, Osborne - Gösser songtext (lyrics)

[Nugat, Osborne - Gösser songtext lyrics]

Ya these diamonds on my wrist make it easy
Cause I know you deceived me
Now you hit me up at late night
Saying baby please come back let
Me make it right
Fucked up games we play told me
Everything is gonna be okay ya
Fucked up games we play told me
Everything is gonna be okay x2

Hook (Nugat & Osborne) :

Honey Honey Honey Honey
Honey Honey Honey Honey

Part 2 (Nugat) :

Bitches and Ladies worlds apart
But it’s crazy
The thing connecting them is cash
Women be faking on you
Break up on you unless you sleep on stacks
You know her since high school where
She never talked to you
So think about why she wants sex now
Cause now you got benzers checks
And she texted as soon as she hurt from that

And now get the fuck out my bed
And now get the fuck out my bed
Nighty night roli instead
Nighy night roli instead
And now get the fuck out my head
And now shut up fuck you ain’t shit
And now shut up fuck you ain’t shit
You ain’t shit you ain’t shit

Hook (Nugat & Osborne) :

Honey Honey Honey Honey
Honey Honey Honey Honey

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