Nugat - Little town songtext (lyrics)

[Nugat - Little town songtext lyrics]

I used to sell weed n shit
I used to sell colored beans n shit
It’s gettin’ deep n shit ya
Gasoline is what I need n shit
We used to drink and smoke in the crib n shit
Homies gone crazy like paranoia
I used to do tranks n shit
I want more money in my hands n shit
I shouldn’t be broke for
Every time for everyday
For every hour every minute
It’s dark in my little town
I love my little town

Believe me you’ll be scared if I want
Little town doesn’t care about y’all
The higher you get the deeper you fall
So we keep on fallin’ fallin’

My homie told me that his homie
Had a gun in his face
Twenty years old this is a young age
Don't put your money in your pocket
Put it right in a safe a safe a safe
Paranoia in my mind homie I’m feelin’ chased
The biggest plug of this area
Is sittin’ in jail
Crazy times in my little town
I love my little town

Believe me you’ll be scared if I want
Little town doesn’t care about y’all
The higher you get the deeper you fall
So we keep on fallin’ fallin’

I can feel it everywhere
Little town which is unfair
I could swear nobody knows
What we’ve been through

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