Nugat - My subconscious mind hates me songtext (lyrics)

[Nugat - My subconscious mind hates me songtext lyrics]

I hit the hospital another time
Just another story for my subconscious mind
Feels just like a movie
Like somebody inside of me is
Trying to come by

I wanna know what normality is
My life is a story trying to love myself
But it’s difficult
I wanna know what normality is
My life is a story trying to love myself
But it’s difficult cause borderline is a hoe

I try to leave my soul behind
Another story for my subconscious mind
I will try to find my life
Till I die I could cry
You can see the pain in my eyes

I wanna know what normality is
My life is a story trying to love myself
But it’s difficult

I wanna know what normality is
My life is a story trying to love myself
But it’s difficult cause borderline is a hoe

Could you carry me home?
Could you carry me home?
Borderline is a hoe! Borderline is a hoe!

I wanna know what normality is
My life is a story trying to love myself
But it’s difficult

I wanna know what normality is
My life is a story trying to love myself
But it’s difficult cause borderline is a hoe

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