Nugat - Rocky B songtext (lyrics)

[Nugat - Rocky B songtext lyrics]

(Ey, Ey) all your flex is a lie
(Ey, Ey) all your homies I deny
(Ey, Ey) rock 'n roll till I die
(Ey, Ey) never get high on your own supply
(Ey, Ey) it's how it is
(Ey) my life only good when I do tranks
(Ey, Ey) it's how it is
(Ey) my life only good when I do tranks

My life is Rocky Balboa shit has hit me hard
But in a couple years Imma be a star
Your homies snitchin' but none of mine
Gang related shit till I die

When I got my rollie (Eh, Eh)
Never trust the police (Eh, Eh)
It will be my holy grail (Eh)
Fuckers tellin' storys (Eh, Eh)
Fuckers tellin' storys (Eh, Eh)
I know there will be my name (Eh)
In the fucking hall of fame (Eh)
There is nothing I regret

I don't want discounter shit no more
N U G A T wants heavens door
Make that hoe drop it on the floor
Make that hoe drop it on the floor

My life is Rocky Balboa shit has hit me hard
But in a couple years Imma be a star
Your homies snitchin' but none of mine
Gang related shit till I die

Rocky Balboa rocky Balboa eh
Rocky Balboa rocky Balboa eh
Rocky Balboa

Shit has hit me hard

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