Pigface - The Howler: An English Breakfast (Chapter 1, Part 1) lyrics

[Pigface - The Howler: An English Breakfast Chapter 1, Part 1 lyrics]

You might recall we left Barbara
Dripping on the floor

This was her favorite way to freak
Out important visitors, especially
Foreign diplomats
Who were already so intimidated
By the instructions
In etiquette they had received from
The Demon Ping that they were quite
Terrified of making a social mistake

Yes, on a good day
Barbara could actually make quite a
Splash on the Royal
Tiles so to speak mind you, sometimes
That nasty little Greek, the Howler
Would spoil her triumph and scurry across the
Floor licking up her juices whilst
Making a totally unnecessary
Slurping and sucking
Noise just for added effect
And extra attention of course

Foul little man why on earth
Was MacQueen still with him?
God knows what THEY got up to in private
Wherever that was "Whip Me!" indeed
She'd like to fuckin' whip
Him little turd he'd soon take
Off that stupid sign

Her thoughts drifted for a moment
Away from the dwarf's
Cock, away from the Howler
Back to those earlier
More innocent parties that Feelin' Bored
Used to organize for
Everyone no, that was crap just straight sex
Titillation and whores
They'd all become connoisseurs since then
Only the silly "Whip Me"
Sign remained as a witness
To those appetites maybe, after all
The Howler had it right maybe it was
Okay to keep a symbol of how it began
A relic that contained all the energy
Ever released and satiated since
Then shit! What a lot of
Filth they'd managed to enjoy

Being descended from God and above the
Law sure made pleasure perfect
"Cap orve tay, Babs?" asked MacQueen

"Oh most certainly, of course, not too
Much cream, just one sugar please, "

MacQueen motioned to one of the mosquitoes
As they all called the servants

"You know Babs
I really love it here these spring
Mornings the smell of the
Grass as the overnight dew evaporates
The mist hanging around
The edges of the fields like poison
Gas the grey sky before it
Gets warm especially if it's rained
During the night d'you know
I even start to like the dawn
Chorus and that terrible cockerel
Over by the stables i wonder
How many eggs he's fertilized"

MacQueen's voice trailed off being
Fucked by pregnant
Teenagers wielding hand-carved bone
Dildos was her
Favorite fetish bY now she'd had so many
Her labia were callused and hard
Though she liked to joke it was through
Horse riding whore riding more like!

The Demon Ping returned how did he
Do that, wondered the Howler
How did he manage to always
Sound like a roulette
Wheel as the ball settled into a slot?

"May I
Ma'am?" Ping leaned over Barbara's left
Shoulder gracefully with a
Surprising sense of purpose, and a
Great deal of mysterious sensuality
He tumbled the most delicious and juicy
Looking strawberries into her cereal bowl
Without splashing a single drop of
Cream one by one he
Added the berries, and each time, by
Some extraordinary erotic association
Barbara gasped
Clenching and opening her slim legs
In spasms her silk bathrobe
Fell open, so lightly tied at
The waist was it, to reveal
A symmetrical cluster of vesicular and
Bulbous lesions a small
Clear trail of viscous fluid
Was running from her
Swollen vagina onto the purple velvet seat

"Eh'll hev som of thet wane
You've feneshed op thare
Ping" said MacQueen "End be queck about et
Eh don't want them too go orff those are
Thee strawberries grown in
Sourth Americon nightsoil, aren't thay?"

"Of course, Ma'am of course
To both questions, Ma'am, " replied Ping

He had chosen control and dispassion as
His path to perfection so
Long ago for huge segments of
Time he had persisted
An entity believing so
Completely in it'self that it became almost
Real but entities can only do
So much on their own you
See they can approximate form
And seem to matter they
Can even set themselves
Up as strange attractors outside
Earthly time and
Space that is how they get nourishment and
Density but to manifest as beings with
A form and purpose all of their own
Able to co-exist with a planetary
Species, they need directed
Desire they require
Fixated individuals, whose urges to infinite
Limitless pleasure redefine hedonism they
Must be invoked
Assembled orgasm by orgasm transgression by
Transgression unspeakable dream
By unspeakable dream insatiable sexual
Disgrace by insatiable sexual disgrace until
As remorse and regret become laughably
Atrophied, and in an accelerated kaleidoscope
Of fractured images and
Loops of meaning, all is
Flattened meaning is ruptured
And only irreversible terror is left

There is a sound that accompanies this
Once this noise begins, nothing
Nothing at all can stop it

The sound of several galactic
Histories passing immeasurably fast
As such an entity finds planetary form
Is a sound not dissimilar to the
Sound of a roulette wheel slowing
Down until the steel ball is able to
Drop into it's apparently random spot at
Such times are the fates and futures
Of more mundane creatures
Decided irrevocably
In a rush of fear and excitement

Ping was born out of risk and ennui
Out of irresponsibility and
Fixated sexuality, out of a
Most considered form of reckless behavior
Out of this appalling sound once this
Noise begins, nothing
Nothing at all can ever stop it
Recklessness being the most
Appealing human emotion
To those such as Ping

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