Private Paul - A Road of Nothing songtext (lyrics)

[Private Paul - A Road of Nothing songtext lyrics]

Do you believe you still possess
The ability to be happy?
No i know that sounds weird cause
I'm like half smiling right now i don't
Right now maybe there's a way to
Get it back but I
No i don't think I can experience joy
I loved life and something one day just kinda
Clicked and it was a steady down, down, down
Down and trying to hide it you know
Cus' you don't really know that
You're going down until people
You're realising you're not
Happy with anything
Like nothing makes you happy
You used to be happy all the time and now
Everything that made you happy
Is just tiresome
Which rеally is scary to think
How the future is
One of thе worst things for me to do
Because I'm convinced and all I see is
Usually just a road of nothing nothing
Just every morning, the same sun
 coming through
The same window, at the same time
To wake you up to the same day, of the same
Pain, with the same extreme boredom
Of the same frustrations
You see where this goes and so
I'm trying really hard not, not to
I'm trying to find a way to
Be comfortable with the present
Because I'm not i'm not comfortable with the
Present, I'm not comfortable with the past
I'm definitely scared to death of the future

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