REMEDY, RiverKinn, Keiichi - Intrusive thoughts songtext (lyrics)

[REMEDY, RiverKinn, Keiichi - Intrusive thoughts songtext lyrics]

I feel the blood rushing through my veins
The panic is driving me insane
And all i can do is wait for a better day
Where i can take this pain away
In my darkest hours i am holding on
To what i promised myself
Ill never fall back again even if i pretend
Am i strong enough to make
It through the night? Will it be alright?

Im doubting myself
Im drowning in my own intrusive thoughts
Pull my under the waves and Ill be lost but
I still keep holding my breath
For as long as i can
Holding out for a helping hand

I don't feel no blood in my hands
I just woke up
My veins show the way to the point
At which it's over it looks so blue
I think it's rustling
A little empty, a little numb
It's like a mirror inside of nothing
A mirror inside of nothing
I see myself and the urge to
Stab it, is so high, i can't be bluffin
My head's stumbling over these
Stones made of thoughts
Which have no use or cause
No it seems so abnoxious

Im doubting myself
Im drowning in my own intrusive thoughts
Pull my under the waves and Ill be lost but
I still keep holding my breath
For as long as i can
Holding out for a helping hand

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