Ren - Eden lyrics

Ren [Ren Eryn Gill] Bangor, Gwynedd, Wales, U.K. 🇬🇧
[Ren - Eden lyrics]
Time: the story of Adam and Eve
It starts with a god who wanted more
God had just created the
Heavens and the earth
He had the angels by his side
But they had no will of their own
And so the autonomy to love or
Reject him was never theirs
All but for one: the one was
Called Bringer of Light: Lucifer Morningstar
Lucifer was the fairest and most
Intelligent of all the angels
He was the closest thing to God's
Image, and in his likeliness
Lucifer felt restless
He began to question and doubt God He
Doubted the hierarchy opposed upon him
He felt God was arrogant in his frustration
Lucifer built a throne that stood even
Above God - and declared mutiny
A war ensued God being all powerful, came out
The victor, and banished Lucifer
From the heavens, and exiled him to Earth
Once again, God was alone with his power
Perhaps from loneliness, perhaps
From curiosity
Perhaps from a desire to share love
God began to work on
His greatest project yet:
A being that would mirror himself: the human
Two humans specifically: Adam and Eve
They were placed on a paradise built for
Them on Earth: the Garden of Eden
In the garden, god placed a tree that bared
Fruit that would grant anyone
Who ate it powers bestowed only to a god
To tell good from evil, left
From right, to live righteously, or to sin
He named this the Tree of Knowledge
God told Adam and Eve they could eat
Whatever they wanted in the garden, but
Never the fruit from the Tree of
Knowledge, and if they disobeyed him
It would be punishable by death
The basic way the story of Eden is told
Is that Eve was tempted by Lucifer
In the form of a serpent to eat
A fruit from the Tree of Knowledge
Convinced, she bit the fruit, and
She passed it to Adam, and he did the same
Suddenly, ultimate knowledge filled
Their minds, and
They realised they were naked
And felt shame god discovered this betrayal
And felt angered, he exiled Adam and Eve
And cursed them with the life of a mortal
They would work, they would bare children
And they would die: the fate of a human
Now look deeper
And the story of the serpent tempted me, by
Telling me I would gain ultimate knowledge
And that god would spare me both were true
This wasn't some great deception
Meaning that
Satan, and the likeliness of God
Perhaps understood his intentions
In fact, the only lie uttered in the
Garden of Eden was by God
Who did not end up condemning
Adam and Eve to death
This could be seen as an act of mercy
But the sheer fact that the tree existed
And that humans were initially cut
Off from this knowledge
May imply some part of God was afraid
That if humans were granted the gift
Of perception, they, like Lucifer
Would have the power to reject him too
The fact that there stood a beautiful tree
That could grant this knowledge in
The first place, implies that a small
Part of God, supposedly all-knowing
Perhaps wanted and intended the
Humans to bite too in the bible
Satan was an exiled angel of free will
Humans are exiled descendants of Adam and
Eve also with free will
Not only do we share the
Similar fate to the devil
We were also both constructed in
The image of our creator
Meaning our behaviours, in some
Shape or form, imperfectly echo his
We could assume that this kind of god had his
Doubts as the most powerful
Being in the universe
He has no one above him
To turn to with questions
And no one to doubt but himself -
An incredibly lonely and isolated existence
We must only assume that the
Common thread between God, Lucifer
And us is the desire for
More: an eternal curiosity
A desire perhaps birthed from a
Seed of loneliness: if not
Why would we exist in the first place?
The constantly looping bittersweet
Irony is whether
Gifted by some omnipotent god
Or simply a by-product of billions
Of years of evolution
Here we stand, in 2023
As creatures with free will
The only creatures that understand and
Define good from bad
Creatures with the potential of a god
And what do we do with that free will
My friends?
We willingly walk to the edge of a cliff
In the name of progress
We jump off the precipice
The empires we build ravage the earth
The natural order of things are
Necessary to survive: any
Systems which do not honor
Homeostasis eventually perish
Our free will overrides our
Own biological instinct
We can take more than we eat, we
Can kill more than we need
We can willingly create weapons
With the potential to
Burn everything we built to the ground
We willingly decide to bow to
The altar of greed
The most insidious and destructive
Of all sins we put our faith in corporations
Who pose as rulers
We willingly allow ourselves be
Overruled by outdated power
Systems, ran by corrupted politicians
And bloated dictators
Who claim domain and dominion over
An open and free land
We willingly elect the corrupted
When the decision
Was always asked to build something better
We willingly create an opposed apparation
Because of ideas we
Are force-fed through our phones
And television sets
We always have the will to reject these
Things, but we adhere to them
As if they were the laws of physics
War, famine, pestilence, greed
These aren't things imposed upon us
By an all powerful god
Or by his demonic adversary: they
Are here because of us
Not because of free will
But because of our inability to use it
We must be motivated to be better, not
Out of fear of an eternal damnation
But because the choice exists:
Because we love ourselves
Because we have the power to absolve
Ourselves of so much unnecessary suffering
Take a second to be in this very moment
In this moment, how much suffering is
Happening all over the planet, right now?
How many people are dying of illnesses
That could've easily been cured
But aren't because of the selfishness
And greediness of humanity?
How many people break their
Backs and reject their
Own passions to simply afford bills and food?
How many of us crave
Distraction from existence?
How many of us numb that
Pain in whatever way necessary?
How many children are being abused?
How many people sleep cold and
Hungry on the streets?
How many people become cogs inside
A machine that's destroying it'self?
How many soldiers have been forced
To fight in meaningless wars?
How many humans have killed for ideals
They don't believe in or understand?
How many people have died to
The greed of another man?
And how much of this was avoidable?
As written in the Bible, "Satan
Was not condemned to hell
Satan was condemned to Earth he lives there
Amongst other creatures with free
Will, who always have the choice
And still chose their own undoing"
Ladies and gentlemen
This is our self made hell
The bittersweet irony is this is a
Creation of our own design
I'll leave you with this:
Consider what you have done here today
You have worked together, as individuals
Collaborating to form a giant neural network
A hivemind
Capable of achieving incredible things
We have lent on each other's strengths
To solve puzzles, and decipher riddles
And we've done so to win money
Imagine applying that same spirit
And determination to creating
The closest thing we have to paradise
Here on Earth by using the power of
Collaboration we can work
Together to even the playing
Field for everybody
Our dystopias can become utopias
Our jahannams can
Become 'jannah, our hells can become heaven
Right here on Earth
And this sentiment applies to atheists
Agnostics and believers alike
Myself, I'm an agnostic who believes
I believe in us
We must do better, because we can choose to
We must be better
Simply because the option exists thank you