Ren - Money Ties lyrics


Ren [Ren Eryn Gill] Bangor, Gwynedd, Wales, U.K. 🇬🇧

[Ren - Money Ties lyrics]

[Intro, Monologue]
Godliness with contentment is great gain
For we brought nothing into the world
And we cannot take anything out of the world
But if we have food and clothing
With these we will be content
But those who desire to be rich fall
Into temptation, into a snare
Into many senseless and harmful desires
that plunge people into ruin and destruction
For the love of money is the root
Of all kinds of evils
It is through this craving that some have
Wandered away from the path
And pierced themselves
With the many pangs of greed

[Chorus 1]
Money makes, money makes
Money makes the world go 'round
Money makes the pure man lawless, proud

Money makes a man's verb consummate the noun
'Cause an action to a thing is inspired
By the pound or the dollar
False prophet preach profit and we follow
When the scholar teach dishonor
That's a bitter pill to swallow
The biggest bank robber are
The banks and the poli-
Ticians but judiciary are whores
What a shocker

When we lose sight of live and let live
Forget your soul is made
Much richer by the love that you give
If you're living just to make
A living, that's all there is
And when you're lying, slowly dying
Will you die with a grin?

Now digging up the root of evil
Money tool like a blade
You can slice across a jugular
Or carve and create
But when the money ain't the means
But the means is the money
You start to compromise ideals
For dollars, morals get bloody
Now let me tell you
A little story 'bout a boy named Ren
Born March 1990 in the Celtic Welsh ends
We didn't have much, but
Mum and dad, they made enough
To put hot meals on the table
Fill our bellies full of love
A little sister fell into the picture
Oh my God, we loved her
Made our family richer
Then we both got older, world a little colder
Life, it had a way of chipping away at that shoulder
I held her and I told her, "Hierarchy, status exists
Sometimes the purity
Of youth gets snatched, leaving you stripped
You'll learn that love is not enough
It's not a world for kid
So toughen up and buckle up
Because it's bumpy as shit
And there'll be those who take advantage
Of the light in your soul
And there'll be times you feel the cup
You're filling leaking with holes
And that dark can get much darker
We all must grow old
But listen up, my little sister
Hold these worlds to you close
Keep that kind heart kind, humankind are in need
Never ever let this world make you bitter like me
Because this world needs love
And love it leaks from you, see?
Sis, this world needs light and
You're the brightest I see"
I see your wings have feather more than ever
Mine were torn by my oppressor
Sickness scorned me but whatever
By your side we fly together
Give me flight when I could never
A releasing of the pressure and
The pressure makes a diamond
I will shine with you forever
Fuck greed, fuck depression
Fuck bullies, fuck the jealous
Fuck every man who made you
Feel less than a treasure
And fuck a world that makes us feel small
Fuck the forces that divide us now's
The time to stand tall because

[Chorus 2]
Money makes, money makes
Money makes the world go 'round
Money makes the SickBoi sicker somehow (Si)
Money gets a man mugged, punched in his mouth
Money run the gang thug, drug money, blaow
Money makes open case, close
Money bend law, make war, make ghosts
Money gives a poor man hope
Money saves lives, takes lives, money both

Money is, money isn't, money's just that
Money's just a concept people attract
Tax up the poor man, feed up the fat
Money's just, money's just, money's just cash

Take money, take money, take money, take
Fake money, fake money, fake money, fake
Money ties, money ties, money ties, aye
Money lies, money lies, money lies, aye

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