Roger Whittaker - A Taste Of Honey songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - A Taste Of Honey songtext lyrics]

Winds may blow o'er the icy sea
I'll take with me the warmth of thee

A taste of honey
Honey much sweeter than wine

I will return
I'll return
I'll come back for the honey and you

I'll leave behind my heart to wear
And may it e'er remind you of
A taste of honey
Honey much sweeter than wine

I will return
I'll return
I'll come back for the honey and you

He ne'er came back to his love so fair
And so she died dreaming of his kiss
His kiss was honey
Honey much sweeter than wine

I will return
I'll return
I'll come back for the honey and you
I'll come back for the honey and you

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