Roger Whittaker - Funny How Time Slips Away songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - Funny How Time Slips Away songtext lyrics]

Well, hello there
My it's been a long long time
How am I doin'
Oh, I guess I'm doin' fine
It's been so long now and it seems that
It was only yesterday
Gee, ain't it funny how time slips away

Hows your new love
I hope he's doin' fine
Heard you told him
That you'd love him till the end of time
That's the same thing that you told me
It seems like just the other day
Gee, ain't it funny how time slips away

Gotta go now
Guess I'll see you hanging round
Don't know when though
Never know when I'll be back in town, mmm, back in town
But I remember what I tell you
That in time your gonna pay
Ain't it surprisin' how time slips away
Ain't it funny... ain't it funny

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