Roger Whittaker - The Candle songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - The Candle songtext lyrics]

Hold your face a little closer to the candle
I wanna see you here by the light
I've been lost and it's more than I can handle
I've been afraid for my very life

They try to find me but I was always missing
They try to hurt me but they found me to hard
They try to persuade me but I wouldn't listen
They try to degrade me but I was on my god

Hold your face a little closer to the candle
I wanna see you here by the light
I've been lost and it's more than I can handle
I've been afraid for my very life

One for the children, crying in the wilderness
One for the father broken on the weal
Shane by his happiness and hell by the wonder
And ready to compromise make another deal

Hold your face a little closer to the candle
I wanna see you here by the light
I've been lost and it's more than I can handle
I've been afraid for my very life

The time has come now and we can see now the candle shining
The has come now, yes, we can breath now, the sun is shining

Hold your face a little closer to the candle
I wanna see you here by the light
I've been lost and it's more than I can handle
I've been afraid for my very life

The heart going tap by tap
The mighty use of stand ions
Spurn in the ether and ready to fly
Let you in bosom easy pray for religion
The hand on the white stick, go blindly to blind

Hold your face a little closer to the candle
I wanna see you here by the light
I've been lost and it's more than I can handle
I've been afraid for my very life

Hold your face a little closer to the candle
I wanna see you here by the light
I've been lost and it's more than I can handle
I've been afraid for my very life

Hold your face a little closer to the candle
I wanna see you here by the light
I've been lost and it's more than I can handle
I've been afraid for my very life

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