Roger Whittaker - But She Loves Me songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - But She Loves Me songtext lyrics]

She'd like to travel to parts unknown
And see the wonders before their gone
She always wanted to write a book
She hates to cook but she loves me

I tell her one day we'll have the time
To concerefrest and cross the Rhine
We'll shout the rabbits and tame the wilds
She simply smiles and says she loves me

I wanted children, she bore the pains
She dearly loves them but felt the change
Now that their grown up and on their own
She couldn't gone but she loves me - she loves me

I tell her one day we'll have the time
To concerefrest and cross the Rhine
We'll shout the rabbits and tame the wilds
She simply smiles and says she loves me - she loves me

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