Roger Whittaker - Canada Is songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - Canada Is songtext lyrics]

Canada is the rocky mountains
Canada is prince Edward island
Canada is a country made for love
Canada is la belle Provence
Canada is the Yukon mine
Canada is a country full of love

We have love for our neighbour
Of whatever creed or colour
We have love for our cities
And our valleys and our plains
We have a voice that is calling
Telling all the world we're willing
To welcome them to this great land
For that's what Canada is

Canada is the rocky mountains
Canada is prince Edward island
Canada is a country made for love
Canada is la belle Provence
Canada is the Yukon mine
Canada is a country full of faith

We have faith in our future
We're ready for tomorrow
We have faith in our children
For our future's in their hands
We have a voice that is calling
Telling us to keep on hoping
For time will make this wild land great
And that's what Canada is

Canada is the rocky mountains
Canada is prince edward island
Canada is a country made for love
Canada is la belle provence
Canada is the yukon mine
Canada is a country loving peace

We have peace in our valleys
We're happy and contented
We have peace in our cities
And our boundaries have no chains
We have a voice that is calling
Telling all free men we're willing
To show them how to live in peace
For that's what canada is

Canada is the rocky mountains
Canada is prince edward island
Canada is a country made for love
Canada is la belle provence
Canada is the yukon mine
Canada is a country full of love

Canada is the rocky mountains
Canada is prince edward island
Canada is a country made for love
Canada is la belle provence
Canada is the yukon mine
Canada is a country full of love

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