Roger Whittaker - Christmas Is Here Again songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - Christmas Is Here Again songtext lyrics]

Christmas is here again
Stand up and cheer again
Let's leave our heart ages and sorrows behind

All that I want is to be here beside you
All that I need is right here in my arms
All that I want is to know that you love me
And this will be my finest Christmas time

Holly and mistletoe, small faces all a glow
Stockings for Santa to fill with his toys
Bright shining Christmas trees
Small people on there knees
Tell Santa, they have been good girls and boys

All that I want is to be here beside you
All that I need is right here in my arms
All that I want is to know that you love me
And this will be my finest Christmas time

Grownups in paper hats, turkey in Bradley snaps
Chestnuts to roast in the coals of a fire
The joy of giving things - the blessings Christmas brings
Just to be near you is all I desire

All that I want is to be here beside you
All that I need is right here in my arms
All that I want is to know that you love me
And this will be my finest Christmas time

All that I want is to be here beside you
All that I need is right here in my arms
All that I want is to know that you love me
And this will be my finest Christmas time

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