Roger Whittaker - I'd Fall In Love Tonight songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - I'd Fall In Love Tonight songtext lyrics]

The stars are so close, we could touch them
The night air is soft and still
The world has stop turning outside our door
And your kiss is all as real
And it's just like the first time I touched you
The feeling is still, oh, so right
If I didn't already love you - I'd fall in love tonight

The love that I feel goes unspoken
As I see that look in your eyes
You slip from my arms just long enough
To turn out all the lights
And it's just like the first time I touched you
The feeling is still, oh, so right
If I didn't already love you - I'd fall in love tonight

And it's just like the first time I held you
The feeling is still, oh, so right
If I didn't already love you - I'd fall in love tonight
I'd fall in love tonight

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