Roger Whittaker - It's So Easy songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - It's So Easy songtext lyrics]

I was travelling down life's highway
Finding every stick and stone
And I believed it travels fast
Who travels on his own
And I didn't mind the danger
And I didn't count the cost
But when you came into my life
Then I knew that I was lost
Yes I did, oh, I did

It's so easy
To fall in love with you
It's so easy
Such a simple thing to do
It's so easy
To fall in love with you
Till I fell in love with you
I was wasting my time

So I lived each hour of every day
And I lived in a dream
And life was full of noise and lights
Like rapids in a stream
And I didn't mind the heartache
And I didn't mind the pain
Then you saw that I was dying
And you brought me back again
Yes you did, yes you did

It's so easy
To fall in love with you
It's so easy
Such a simple thing to do
It's so easy
To fall in love with you
Till I fell in love with you
I was wasting my time

It's so easy
To fall in love with you
It's so easy
Such a simple thing to do
It's so easy
To fall in love with you
Till I fell in love with you
I was wasting my time

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