Roger Whittaker - Mother Mine Sleep On songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - Mother Mine Sleep On songtext lyrics]

I plant a kiss upon your brow
Nothing in life can hurt you now
So sleep and know how much I love you
I take your hand within my hand
It feels so cold, oh understand
You were the sun that shone above me
If I could be a babe once more
You would be as you were before
You would be lovelier than ever
Just yesterday it seems to me
We played together by the sea
You sat beneath the big umbrella

Mother mine sleep on
Mother mine sleep on
Mother mine sleep on
I am close by you

The days reports arrived from school
Which said in short "your sons a fool"
Made you so sad and father angry
The holidays you made such fun
But ended when it just begun
The gifts of love that you would hand me
And now the lilac breaking through
I cut a bouquet just for you
Before the wind and rain destroy them
And then

Mother mine sleep on
Mother mine sleep on
Mother mine sleep on
I am close by you

Mother mine sleep on
Mother mine sleep on
Mother mine sleep on
I am close by you

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