Roger Whittaker - Sussex Carol songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - Sussex Carol songtext lyrics]

On Christmas night, all Christians sing
To hear the news the angels bring
On Christmas night, all Christians sing
To hear the news the angels bring

News of great joy, news of great birth
(News of great joy, news of great birth)
News of our merciful King's birth

Then why should man on earth be so sad
Since our redeemer made us glad
Then why should man on earth be sad
Since our redeemer made us glad

When from our sin He set us free
(When from our sin He set us free)
All for to gain our liberty

All out of darkness we have light
Which made the angels sing this night
All out of darkness we have light
Which made the angels sing this night

Glory to God and peace to man
(Glory to God and peace to man)
Glory to God and peace to man
(God and peace to man)

Now and forever more, amen
Now and forever more, amen

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