Roger Whittaker - Sweet Memory Of Gladness songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - Sweet Memory Of Gladness songtext lyrics]

A memory of gladness can raise the heavy heart
When laden down with sadness
When you feel the teardrops start

One peaceful moment can erase the pain
One memory of gladness and you smile again

Sweet memory of a smiling face
We run to when we fall
Two loving arms tenderly hold you close
Soft words of comfort you recall

A single act of kindness, a flash of frozen time
Stays in you mind forever
Makes a common soul sublime

The joy of knowing, someone, somewhere cared
Lives in your heart forever
Happiness too, full shared

Sweet memory of a smiling face
We run to when we fall
Two loving arms tenderly hold you close
Soft words of comfort you recall

Two loving arms tenderly hold you close
Sweet memories you can recall

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