Roger Whittaker - Sweet Sight songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - Sweet Sight songtext lyrics]

Remembering when, days you spend with friends, bring them back again
What you got on your mind is all that remains
Do the reasons fade as time wears on and you go your way
Didn't anyone called you by your name?

And maybe its time that we looked down the line
To see the things we wanted to do
Coming up the way we wanted them to
This isn't good night
And maybe it's right that we look back tonight
To see the things we had in our hands
Coming out, the way that we planned
Ain't it a sweet sight

Look back again, see if you can feel the wash of the rain
Feel the rush of the wind that comes with the fall
Try to see those eyes welling up with tears cause we said goodbye
Nothing ever could change them, nothing at all

And maybe its time that we looked down the line
To see the things we wanted to do
Coming up the way we wanted them to
This isn't good night
And maybe it's right that we look back tonight
To see the things we had in our hands
Coming out, the way that we planned
Ain't it a sweet sight

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