Roger Whittaker - The Silence (Into) songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - The Silence Into songtext lyrics]

I'm dying all alone, along with all I knew
Your warm and tender touch
Would always see me trough
I'm tired of trying to reach
The sun behind the clouds tell me who am I
I wish the peaceful times, could come back again

Into the silence out of the violence
Using your wisdom to make me see
Into the silence out of confusion
Someone in heaven is talking to me
Into the silence out of the violence
Into the silence, talk to me

Don't wake me up again
Let me sleep a thousand years
Maybe from time to time
You could brush away my tears
I can't explain away
The foolish things I did
Day after day
I see no reason why
I should come back again

Into the silence out of the violence
Using your wisdom to make me see
Into the silence out of confusion
Someone in heaven is talking to me
Into the silence out of the violence
Into the silence

Into the silence out of the violence
Into the silence

Into the silence out of the violence

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