Rumahsakit - Anywhere But Here lirik lagu (lyrics)

[Rumahsakit - Anywhere But Here lirik lagu lyrics]

It's far away from here where the nights
No longer fear the dark and I'm you sun

It's far, but oh so near
Where doubts they disappear
To the corner of your mind

Oh let's just go where we can let forever be
I wanna take you to the place i'd rather be
I wanna show you how amazing it could be
If you stay there with me
I wanna take you to the place i'd rather be
I wanna show you how amazing it could be
Can you stay

I wanna take you to the
I wanna take you there
I wanna take you to the
I wanna take you there
I wanna take you to the
I wanna take you, away
I wanna take you to the place i'd rather be
I wanna show you how amazing it could be
If you stay there with me
I wanna take you to the place i'd rather be
I wanna show you how amazing it could be
Can you stay

I wanna take you to the
I wanna take you there
I wanna take you to the
I wanna take you there
I wanna take you to the
I wanna take you, away

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