Rumahsakit - Shout Now lirik lagu (lyrics)

[Rumahsakit - Shout Now lirik lagu lyrics]

Shout now i can't hear you
I'm talking to myself now let me feel you
Oh won't you come on down

Run now i'm behind you
And we'll go to the place where
I can see you and no one else would mind
Oh run, run now

Shout now i can't hear you
I'm talking to myself now let me feel you
Oh won't you come down

We'll go where the sun shine
We'll go where the sun shine
We'll go where the sun shine
We'll go where the sun shine
(come now come now)
(we'll go where the sun shine)
(come now come now)
(we'll go where the sun shine)
We'll go where the sun shine

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Jika anda tahu apa yang dinyanyikan oleh pemain, anda dapat membaca "di antara baris" dan mengetahui sejarah lagu, anda dapat menambahkan interpretasi teks. Setelah memeriksa oleh editor kami, kami akan menambahkannya sebagai interpretasi resmi lagu!

Interpretasi tambahan terbaru untuk lirik

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