Russian Village Boys, Mr. Polska - Molotov songtext (lyrics)

Dominik Włodzimierz Czajka

[Russian Village Boys, Mr. Polska - Molotov songtext lyrics]

I'm gonna eat my food then you gonna hold my beer
I hear the fucking ring in my motherfucking ear

Buddy take my car we need come to secret place
There only playing Nouveau Riche and hardbass блять

Put my grave in the diskotek
I can't get enough
Smack the Dj from the chart
Tell him I need to pump it up

I've got a Russian girls left
And the Polish girls right
It's a crazy Molotov
You need to try before you die

Pullup in the streets of Moscow
On a snowmobile
Ja mam Suche gardło mordo
Jak masz wodę to mi daj

I got disco-candy in my pocket
It will make you smile
I love the Russian Village Boys
We gonna party will we die!

Put my grave in the diskotek
I can't get enough
Smack the Dj from the chart
Tell him I need to pump it up

I've got a Russian girls left
And the Polish girls right
It's a crazy Molotov
You need to try before you die

Put my grave in the diskotek
I can't get enough
Smack the Dj from the chart
Tell him I need to pump it up

I've got a Russian girls left
And the Polish girls right
It's a crazy Molotov
You need to try before you die

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