Françoise Cactus, Faber - Games songtext (lyrics)

[Françoise Cactus, Faber - Games songtext lyrics]

Bring them all 'round, we'll play cards
Wondering if you'll strike my heart
We'll move to the floor and I'll take my cue
But baby

I'm sick and tired of playing your games
It's too late i won't wait
I'm sick and tired of playing your games
It's too late i won't wait
I'm sick and tired of playing your games

Here we are standing on the floor
Honey, you've missed an open goal
You've missed out on your pole position
Maybe it's true

I'm sick and tired of playing your games
It's too late i won't wait
I'm sick and tired of playing your games
It's too late i won't wait
I'm sick and tired of playing your games
It's too late i won't wait
I'm sick and tired of playing your gamеs
It's too late i won't wait
I'm sick and tired of playing your games

Bring thеm all 'round, we'll play cards
Wondering if you'll strike my heart
We'll move to the floor and I'll take my cue
But, baby

I'm sick and tired of playing your games
It's too late i won't wait
I'm sick and tired of playing your games
It's too late i won't wait
I'm sick and tired of playing your games
It's too late i won't wait
I'm sick and tired of playing your games
It's too late i won't wait
I'm sick and tired of playing your games
It's too late i won't wait
I'm sick and tired of playing your games

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