Wolfchant - Winterhymn songtext (lyrics)

[Wolfchant - Winterhymn songtext lyrics]

This is the nature's cold and powerful skin
Consecration this is my unique ode
My winter hymn deep in the forest
I am still alive

Cold winds are blowing
Fast through the night i'm in the forest
So deep and alone the snow is sparkling
In the white moonlight oh Mother Nature
A wolf is coming home

All the trees tower above me so high
And I am surrounded by the mountains
I feel the pureness of the winter's ice
Embraced from wilderness and silence

This is the nature's cold and powerful skin
Consecration comes this night
This is my unique ode my winter hymn
Deep in the forest i am still alive

Ein Wolf streift durch die eiskalte Nacht
Zu entfachen ein Feuer, Ein Feuer stдrker
Als es jemals ward gebracht
Weil es von Gцtterhand gemacht

Diese Flammen brennen so heiss und so stark
Schliessen dich ein mit ihrer Kraft
Sie werden dich fesseln mit ihrer
Schцnheit und Macht
Bis sie dir die Freiheit verschafft

All my thoughts I leave free run
I'm surrounded by the mountains
So high and wonderful they guide me
Through the path of my inner pacification

The sun is slowly disappearing
All is covered deep red like blood
I feel the world is going to change the face
Back to the roots of our old gods

This is the nature's cold and powerful skin
Consecration comes this night
This is my unique ode my winter hymn
Deep in the forest I am still alive

Cold is the wind and the snow in this night
Embrace my heart with pure ice
The Blood is running cold through my veins
And I lift up my mind to Valhalla

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