Brüder4Brothers, Frei.Wild, Orange County Choppers - Don't Get Better Than This songtext (lyrics)

[Brüder4Brothers, Frei.Wild, Orange County Choppers - Don't Get Better Than This songtext lyrics]

You are the reason that I understand
You know what I'm feeling
With the touch of your hand
You're there when I stumble and
You break my fall
Und jedes Mal, wenn ich bei dir bin
Erleuchtet die Stadt und einfach
Alles macht Sinn
Sehe deine Augen, sehe das Feuer
Sehe das Feuer darin

Es geht niemals besser
It don't get better than this
Waking up while I feel your kiss
Es geht niemals besser
It don't get better than this
Falling asleep to the taste of your lips

Goldener Anker, am silbernen Herz
Du ziehst mich an Land
An dich ran und nicht wegwärts
Bist meine Brücke, die nach oben führt
And every time, you walk in a room
My eyes light up at the sight of you
Walking my way, as the men stop and stare

Es geht niemals besser
It don't get better than this
Waking up while I feel your kiss
Es geht niemals besser
It don't get better than this
Falling asleep to the taste of your lips

Es geht niemals besser
It don't get better than this
Es geht niemals besser
Than the taste of your lips

Es geht niemals besser
It don't get better than this
Waking up while I feel your kiss
It don't get better
Es geht niemals besser, it don't get better
Falling asleep to the taste of your lips
Es geht niemals besser
(it don't get better than this)
Es geht niemals besser
(it don't get better than this)
I come alive cause I know you exist

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