Animaniacs - All The Words In The English Language (Part 1) lyrics
[Animaniacs - All The Words In The English Language Part 1 lyrics]
Yakko Warner sings all of the words in the
English language!
Yakko: Aardvark, abating, abet, abdicating
Abandon, abase and abreast
Ablaze and ablution, abhor and abusion
Abbreviate, abbey, abscessed
Abduct and ablation, abridge and abrasion
Abash and abrupt and abride
Abscond and absentia, absent, abstentia
Abdomen, ably, abide
Abominable, abrogate, absolute, absent
Absorbent, abstention, abstraction
Absurd and abundant, abusive, abutment
Acacia, academy, action
Accede and accost and accept and across
And accompany, acre, accord
Accomplish, account and accrue and amount
Acrimonious, active, adored
Adrenaline, adulate, adder and advocate
Advertise, adverse, abrade
Advice, adversarial, advent and aerial
Affluent, after, afraid dot: Well
There it is: Yakko Warner now
Well under way in singing
All the words in the English
Language i'm Dot Warner with
Me is Dick Button dick, a good start?
Dick: Oh, yes, dot - a marvelous start to
What is a difficult difficult routine
Dot: Stay tuned, and we'll be back to bring
You the whole thing