Dalriada - Vigilant dalszöveg (lyrics)

[Dalriada - Vigilant dalszöveg lyrics]

How countless art ye, loathsome pagans
What army ye plunder with
To take slaves and treasures
What danger imperils our border castles
How ye threaten their walls men and goods

Ye will harm us, if ye art outnumbered
But victory will hardly be thine
If ye’ll look out to few
Ye’ll be countless, in thy hour of death
Thus choose wisely
To watch ozt fot thine crowd

Don’t the liar’s God at all
Gather lots of armies, in our lands middle
Fight bravely for our strongholds power
Don’t trust the Sultan’s victory at all!

And ye, vallant-fellow soldiers
Defend thine country
Don’t regret blood and wounds

On good horses back
Don’t wonder at the plenty of enemies
Take vengance upon them for
Thine wasted lands!

Deep int he woods, at the very aedbe of land
Trample the pagans to the fields of green!
Hound the robbers tot heir graves!
Behind thine back, home’s bleeding, wound
Don’t turn thine face from
Our wives and children!
Deep int he woods, at the very edge of land
Trample the pagans to the fields of green!

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