Dir En Grey - Reiketsu Nariseba (冷血なりせば; Cold-Blooded Silhouette) 歌詞 (lyrics)

[Dir En Grey - Reiketsu Nariseba 冷血なりせば; Cold-Blooded Silhouette 歌詞 lyrics]

You're the one that's lost now
You're the one that's lost now
You're the one that's lost now

You're the one that's lost now
You're the one that's lost now
You're the one that's lost now

You shallow shit with that sad
Little look on your face
Why don't you just grow yourself
Some wings of pity

You're the one that's lost now
You're the one that's lost now
You're the one that's lost now

Lose track of where you are
All dolled up as a star...?
You make me laugh
Money? fame? success?

You're the one that's lost now
You're the one that's lost now
You're the one that's lost now

Suck me destroy
Suck me destroy
Suck me destroy


You're the one that's lost now
You're the one that's lost now
You're the one that's lost now

Suck me destroy
Suck me destroy
Suck me destroy

Even when you talk big
You do it by protecting yourself

Suck me




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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #