Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - All We Need songtext (lyrics)

[Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - All We Need songtext lyrics]

You're makin' up, you make your body shine
Your sutan really makes you look so fine
When you go out with me
You're just what I need
I'd like to have a little talk with you, baby
But, you keep saying that's the
Last we would need all we would need

To help me do the work I gotta do
I've got to be in harmony with you
When you ask to make love, well
Heaven's above
Could I deny you your sweet comfort dear?
And ever leave you lonely or in fear?
Yes, you are all that I need

Baby, you got it for me

We'll stick together throughout evеry day
Communication, knowing we're are not in
To find an еasier livin' that we can lead
Having to fight destroys our understanding
We have to care 'bout things we share
We've got all we need all what we need

Baby, you got it for me

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