Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - Welcome Brother songtext (lyrics)

[Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - Welcome Brother songtext lyrics]

Goin' 'cross the sea, livin' on a boat
Left the islands for the continent
I felt pretty alone on my way back home
Met two guys and I took 'em back along
There were several resolutions on our minds
How we could leave stressin' times behind

Welcome brother, can you wait for me?
Show me a better place for
Yourself and we go free

Money for a while did it in my style
Haven't got a dollar to my name
Working for the man, do the best I can
I'm seein' friends who're helpin' me again
There's a four-week tour
I'm waiting for the dates
Lordy, please, now open up the gates, soon

Welcome brother, glad you're there for me
Show me a better place that will
Make me feel I'm free
Hold on, brother, can you wait for me?
I'll show you a better time that
Will let us all be free

There are several resolutions on our minds
How to leave distressing times behind, yeah

Welcome brother, glad you're there for me
Show me a better place that will
Make me feel I'm free
Hold on, brother, can you wait for me?
I'll show you a better time that
Will let us all be free

Free, oh (Ha ha ha) a free ride on

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