Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - I'm Not Only Passing Time songtext (lyrics)

[Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - I'm Not Only Passing Time songtext lyrics]

Every mornin' it is hard for me to rise up
Life is right out there
Every new day makes me think
"What's going on in this world?"
Life is right out there

Seems I'm lonely
They don't know me and my rhyme
I could show them, I'm not only passin' time
Alone 'Cause, I'm sharing life with
Brothers of mine
We're togehter, I'm not only passing time

Any true song gives me hope
And strength to carry on
Life is right out there
Many blue songs tell the feeling that
We've all got in our minds
Lifе is right out there

Seems I'm lonely
Thеy don't know me and my rhyme
I could show them, I'm not only passing time
Alone 'Cause, I'm sharing life with
Brothers of mine
We're togehter, I'm not only passing time

Seems I'm lonely
They don't know me and my rhyme
I could show them, I'm not only passing time
Alone 'Cause, I'm sharing life with
Brothers of mine
We're togehter, I'm not only passing time

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