Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - Nothing Can Be Changed Between Us songtext (lyrics)

[Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - Nothing Can Be Changed Between Us songtext lyrics]

Nothing can be changed between us
And that's for all this life
I gotta have your friendship near me
Thank God you are my wife

Yes, I need you here
And hope to see you there
If there is more to be
I'm sure that we will share

'Cause, I'm gonna search in heaven or hell
To follow your ways, I only can tell
What you mean to me, how sweet you can be
How you're treating me

Nothing can be changed between us
Even one will have to leave
And all my hope is gettin' stronger
'Cause it's your love that I receive

Yes, I need you here
And hope to see you there
If there is more to be
I'm sure that we will share

'Cause, I'm gonna search in heaven or hell
To follow your ways, I only can tell
What you mean to me, how sweet you can be
How you're treating me

Looks like our time will soon be ending
With every single day
Seems we need much more understanding
To make this end a better way

Yes, I need you here
And hope to see you there
If there is more to be
I'm sure that we will share

'Cause, I'm gonna search in heaven or hell
To follow your ways, I only can tell
What you mean to me, how sweet you can be
How you're treating me

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