Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - And As I Hide Another Day songtext (lyrics)

[Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - And As I Hide Another Day songtext lyrics]

And as I hide another day
Lord, tell me, show me the way
Which one to go to leave the fear
Or shall I wait right here?
You're takin' care and make us stay
They told me, now I can say
There in your hands, you've got my fate
Again, I'll wait, I will wait

And you can see my tears
Throughout the years

It's hard for me to understand
That all life here will have to end
And so much pain's to be released
When is it goin' to cease?
I hear the clown's "Hello, goodbye"
And while he's wavin', I see him sigh
His laughter sounds just like a cry
Where are we goin'?

We may never know before we go

And as I hide another day
Lord, tell me, show me the way
Which one to go to leave the fear
Or shall I wait right here?
You're takin' care and make us stay
They told me, now I can say
There in your hands, you've got my fate
Again, I'll wait, I will wait

An everlasting day or come what may

Ooh, ooh ooh, ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh
Ooh, ooh ooh, ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh
Ooh, ooh ooh, ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh
Ooh, ooh ooh, ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh
Ooh, ooh ooh, ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh
Ooh, ooh ooh, ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh

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