Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - But I Found You songtext (lyrics)

[Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - But I Found You songtext lyrics]

Sad and on your own was how I met you
Not a single smile on your face
I'd ever look for you but I found you
Now we've brought our love to the right place

Come on and get it on, baby, darlin'
All night long
You said, "Lovin' me, girl, is strong"
Let's try to love tonight together
(I would like to stay)
We're gonna drift away and find a sweeter day

Happy hours with you, any season
No matter if there's sunshine, storm or rain
Lying won't compare without caring
Hope love will treat us right, day by day

So come on and get it on, baby, darlin'
All night long
You said, "Lovin' me, girl, is strong"
Let's try to love tonight together
(I would like to stay)
We're gonna drift away and find a sweeter day

Let's try to love tonight together
(I would like to stay)
We're gonna drift away and find a sweeter day

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