Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - Don't Try To Run songtext (lyrics)

[Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - Don't Try To Run songtext lyrics]

He was born in '53, in a better time
They said he will see a better life
He was educated normally, to be a normal man
And they taught him to survive

Don't try to run you're not alone
Boy, try to stay there'll be a way

But then, in '68, he was likely to agree
With the running for success but suddenly
He knew there must be another way
He was searchin' from this day on

Don't try to run you're not alone
Boy, try to stay there'll be a way
I tell you now, don't try to run
You're not alone boy, try to stay
Thеre'll be a way

Don't try to run you're not alonе
Boy, try to stay there'll be a way
I tell you now, don't try to run
You're not alone boy, try to stay
There'll be a way

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