Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - Groovy Fire songtext (lyrics)

[Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - Groovy Fire songtext lyrics]

We will stop and rest right here
Natural music in our ears
I'm so tired from the sunburnt day
I'm glad we're gonna stay
It's such a fine place

Different habit's to be found
I can hear our good-night sounds
When the night falls over us
We find a place to hide, feelin' warm

Groovy fire, bring us higher!
Burn on to the morning's rise
Groovy fire, my desire
You make the cold night light in the dark

Sundown how we've longed for you
To sing away the twilight blues
'Cause tomorrow, we're back on the line
And we'll try to find thе flame once more

Groovy firе, bring us higher!
Burn on to the morning's rise
Groovy fire, my desire
You make the cold night light in the dark

Groovy fire, bring us higher!
Burn on to the morning's rise
Groovy fire, my desire
You make the cold night light in the dark

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