Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - Help Me songtext (lyrics)

[Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - Help Me songtext lyrics]

I've been tryin' this, I've been tryin' that
But, I should have tried to live instead
Now I'm sittin' here and I wonder why
I can't get things right, no matter how I try

Help me, help me, help me now
'Cause without you, I can't make it
Help me, help me, help me now
Help me to go on

All the night times we were
Travellin' on the road
When the silver lights started flashin' broad
Then a never ending show bеgan
So we play our parts as good as we can

Help mе, help me, help me now
'Cause without you, I can't make it
Help me, help me, help me now
Help me to go on

Help me, help me, help me now
'Cause without you, I can't make it
Help me, help me, help me now
Help me to go on
Help me, help me, help me now
'Cause without you, I can't make it
Help me, help me, help me now
Help me to go on

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