Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - I Ain't Got a Dime songtext (lyrics)

[Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - I Ain't Got a Dime songtext lyrics]

Watch out, my friend you must understand
I'd buy you a drink, but I can't
Now don't you call on me
'Cause this time, you'll see
I ain't got a dime what you say

In your mixed-up mind you may not find
Any reason why I act this way
To tell you the truth i got nothin' to lose
I ain't got a dime what you say

I can tell, you've been through hell
By every smile on your face
Tomorrow, you'll be down here again
Come on, let's get out of here
I'll just finish my beer
We can walk in the warm falling rain

Please don't bang the door
Like you did night before
'Cause, I ain't gonna take it no more
To tell you the truth i got nothin' to lose
I ain't got a dime what you say

In your mixed-up mind you may not find
Any reason why I act this way
To tell you the truth i got nothin' to lose
I ain't got a dime what you say

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