Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - I'm Giving You Love Again songtext (lyrics)

[Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - I'm Giving You Love Again songtext lyrics]

Ooh, I'm givin' you love again
I'm givin' you love again
Givin' you lo-o-ove
Ooh, I'm givin' you love again
I'm givin' you love again
I'm givin' you love

Babe, turn me on, don't you be shy
We fit together, you and I, I

Ooh, I'm givin' you love again
I'm givin' you love again
Givin' you lo-o-ove
Ooh, I'm givin' you love again
I'm givin' you love again
I'm givin' you love

How I've been searchin' for your heart
Hope that you don't tear mine apart, part

Ooh, I'm givin' you love again
I'm givin' you love again, givin' you love
Ooh, I'm givin' you love again
I'm givin' you love again
I'm givin' you love

Ooh, I'm givin' you love again
I'm givin' you love again
Givin' you lo-o-ove
Ooh, I'm givin' you love again
I'm givin' you love again
I'm givin' you love

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