Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - I'm Living in a Dream songtext (lyrics)

[Johnny Tame, Peter Maffay - I'm Living in a Dream songtext lyrics]

I'm livin' in a dream
I closed my eyes to see
You gave me understanding
Now to open is not so hard for me

I had my share of losing
Life will be like my dream
End may be the beginning
In our time, we're doin' what we can

Let me tell you you're an open heart
And I'm searchin' for the door
You've been helpin' from the start
But, I might just hit the floor
As I did a few times before

I'm livin' in a dream
I closed my eyes to see
You gave me understanding
Now to open is not so hard for me

Let me tell you you're an open heart
And I'm searchin' for the door
You've been helpin' from the start
But, I might just hit the floor
As I did a few times before

Let me tell you you're an open heart
And I'm searchin' for the door
You've been helpin' from the start
But, I might just hit the floor
As I did a few times before

I'm livin' in a dream
I closed my eyes to see
You gave me understanding
Now to open is not so hard for me

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