Shane Koyczan - Tarot lyrics
[Shane Koyczan - Tarot lyrics]
He stands with arms wide open
Hoping to give away hugs for free
He does not consider this work
He believes this is necessary
Believes someone has to put a positive
Spin on the term arms dealer
So he gives out hugs for free
He stands with arms open like
Invitations to a party no need to rsvp
You are cordially invited here right now
No need to disavow a need to be held
Weld your arms around his shoulders, glue
Your cheek to his chest
Test his commitment if you must
The fool will never let you go
Nor will he keep you forever
He will be yours until you say so
He doesn't know how to hold on
He doesn't stay long enough to see
If the boomerang comes back
He doesn't pack lightly
He will be first in line for
The party of his demise
But will surprise even death by leaving early
He was raised with no sense of direction
If it comes down to it he will fall up
He will rattle a cup looking for change
Because he can't stand the sameness
He will dismiss the simple questions
Don't ask him how it's going
He doesn't want to tell you what's new
He is deaf to weather reports
And blind to cute pictures or
Your dog cat or baby
He will however look at your fish
He will listen to and
Record screaming lobsters
That he will then remix into extremely
Dope but haunting beats to be
Blasted through car stereos in the
Parking lots of seafood restaurants
Don't question his methods
The fool doesn't know how to stop
But he is expected to understand in the
Instant his hand is let go
He is expected to know that the
Tiny kindnesses were just pretend
He is expected to transcend his own
Feelings and step aside to
Make way for the something better
That so suddenly came along
The justification plays in his mind like a
Theme song for a bad cereal silly creature
Love is for humans
He smiles as his ears become garbage bins
Filling with the throw away advice
That people always give
But never seem to take
His body becomes the lake into which others
Will throw the stone of his heart
Hoping it will sink beyond rescue
Even in this he will glue his hands together
And wish you an unrelenting happiness
He will plant a kiss upon each open
Wound where love left him to bleed
Each kiss a seed blooming into
A wreathe that he
Will rest upon the headstone of the grave
Where he stands in solitude to pay
Respect to whatever this was
He will do this because that's what he does
His love does not end
He will bend it back to the beginning
Wrapping the
Finish line around your waist like a belt
Just so you can feel what he
Felt when he held you
When he knew nothing of ownership
When he refused to slip
Chains around you because
He knew then, as again he knows now
How obedience is only beautiful
When it is given
He will be the nail driven in
To the coffin of your doubt
He will tell you the truth about
This race you've been running
The only finish line is
Death, and whether hurried
Whether slow and steady, ready or unwilling
One day you must win
Stand as still as a mountain if you must
Your finish line is running towards you
So smile and trust that we, all of us
Will arrive at the same destiny
For now you are the inventor of your history
So be creative, live like the world
Around you is your workshop
Swap out the parts that don't work
For the ones that do build through the hurt
There will be hurt
There will be disappointment and guilt
There will be monuments built for the
Sole purpose of celebrating all of
The awful that must exist simply
To give us beautiful contrast
The fool will walk past all of it
He will split atoms with his heels
As if each new step forward reveals a
Tiny chaos left tumbling in his wake
He will break himself open and
Offer up his trust, knowing it is
The only gift worth giving, that
The hardest part of living
Is watching what others will do with it
But the fool believes
The fool believes that there are those who
Would keep it bastioned within the
Heavy chambers of their marrow
Sacrificing their
Own bones for it's protection
That the risk of finding one
Honest connection in the midst
Of bedlam is what makes the hurt worth it
There will be days when he is spent
Days when his heart becomes the
Low rent housing that
Others use to store their back up plans
His life will be the piece of
String between two tin cans
Where the lovers perform the high
Wire act of happiness
He will not consider this unfair
He will refuse his instinct to care less
The first one to say "guess
It wasn't in the cards" will get
The obvious kicked out of them
And he will lean in to tell them
It wasn't in the dice either
It wasn't in the dominoes god
I don't believe in knows
It wasn't in the air
It was beyond atmosphere
It was everywhere all at once
It was so beautiful
People will forever question if
It even existed it will be listed in between
Bigfoot and Loch Ness
People will press science for an answer
That science can never give
It will live in the
Imaginations of the foolish
Those few willing still to
Wish upon stars and
Believe even in the smallest
Percentage of possibility it will be hope
And you can't have it until
You're willing to admit that
There are times when the
Only honest answer is "I don't know"
The fool will go through life at the
Same time life goes through him
He will pour himself past the brim, and
Swim through the mess he has made
Knowing that he played his part
The only way he could
That he stood still when asked to move
He did this to prove that
The only things that
Belong to us are the choices we choose
That we lose everything by risking nothing
That we bring about our own ending
By pretending away our pain
As if we were somehow above it
The fool steps blindly, reminding us we
Cannot simply bear what is necessary
We must love it