Itchy Poopzkid - 21 Years songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - 21 Years songtext lyrics]

I read it in the paper, I see it on TV
"Hate" written on the front page, blood running down the screen
Another dude is lying - pretending everything's alright
While innocents keep dying and children learn to fight

What the hell is going on?!
I wanna know, wanna know - tell me!

21 years of hope behind me
21 years it's war that I see
21 years and nothing's changed
21 years who's to blame?

I'm ready to surrender, my head bangs against a wall
The small fist in my pocket won't change the world at all
I feel alone and helpless, my ideals fade away
Trust and hope is gone and there's just one thing left to say

But I don't wanna give up. So I'll speak up to you:
"Together we can change it, believe in me it's true!"
Stand up and join the good side! I try to make you understand
The only thing that stops me is that bullet in my head

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